Silk Spider Web Rose Tutorial Plus a FREE Giveaway



True Random Number Generator Result: #19

Erica is the winner of the Silk Spider Web Rose Kit. Please email me at with your full name and mailing address!


I’ve made dozens of tiny silk ribbon spider web roses, but I needed something BIG for the front of a Christening gown.  And they say, bigger IS better, so I made these simple roses and thought you, too, would like to make them.  As an incentive to get you to try this easy tutorial, I’m giving away a kit with all the supplies you need to make these roses yourself.

Ok…so let’s get started!

Supplies Needed

  • Embroidery Hoop
  • Silk Dupioni or Silk Shantung 3″ x 40″
  • Matching Silk Foundation Fabric for Embroidery Hoop
  • Matching Thread or Embroidery Floss
  • Hand Sewing Needle
  • Safety Pin 
  • Hot Glue Gun (optional)
  • Rhinestone or other Decorative Button (optional)

First let me say, you can make your silk rose as big or small as you want.  It all depends on:

  • the size of your “spider web” (foundation circle)
  • the width and length of your silk fabric strip.  If you want a small rose, make your silk strip no wider than 1 inch.  If you want a jumbo rose, cut your strip 4 inches wide.

I made a quick video tutorial to help.  Written instructions can be found below.

Laying the Foundation

Hoop some background fabric in your embroidery hoop.

Now decide how big you want your rose to be.  Take any circular item such as a can, cup or small container.  Trace it onto the hooped fabric using a pencil or disappearing ink pen.  Mark 5 points in the shape of an upside-down star and your center point like this:


Thread your needle with matching thread.  Come up at point A.  Go down at point B.  Come up at the center point (pictured below)catching the A-B thread:


Go down at point C creating a fly stitch:


Now come up at point D and down at the center point.  Then come up at point E and down and the center point.  Now tie a knot on the underside (don’t cut the thread off just yet).  You’ll now have 5 spokes.

Creating the Rose

To make a fabric strip, cut into the selvage edge of the fabric and tear it to the other selvage edge.  You want frayed fabric strips…adds more character…LOL.  Take your fabric strip and secure one short end to the center of the star using the needle and thread.  Leave your needle and thread on the underside of the hoop.  You’ll need it at the end to secure your rose to the foundation fabric.

Now attach a safety pin to the other side of your fabric strip.  This will enable you to easily thread the fabric strip through your spokes.

Start weaving your fabric strip over and under the spokes in a circular motion.  Keep twisting your fabric strip as you create the rose.

Once you have covered all of your spokes, complete the rose by tucking the end of the fabric strip under the rose and removing the safety pin.

Using the needle and thread that is attached to the underside of your hoop, secure the rose with a few stitches.

Cut out your finished rose making sure NOT to cut your foundation spokes.  Sew it to a garment, glue it to a hair clip or use it to decorate a tote.  The options are endless.  You can even create these roses directly onto your items.

Now, don’t think you can only make these roses with silk fabric.  Try quilter’s cotton, chiffon, organza, cotton knit, velvet, beaded satin, spandex or even tulle.

Various Uses for Silk Spider Web Roses

  • Covered Buttons
  • Thumb Tacks
  • Baby Items such as bibs, booties, blankets and clothing
  • Bridal Items such as money bags and garters
  • Headbands
  • Hair bows
  • Hats
  • Pillows
  • Sachets
  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Brooches
  • Purses and Totes

Silk Spider Web Rose Kit Giveaway

To win the supplies you’ll need to make these roses, post a comment and I’ll use a random number generator to pick the winner on Friday!

I’d love to see the roses you make, so please post a link and share your pics!




  1. Rachelle Rudowski says:


    You are simply AMAZING girl…AMAZING!!!!!!

    This is my favorite dress ever!


  2. Um ok, I’m totally impressed. I never could have figured that out! AWESOME Lisa, and I LOVE hearing your voice on the video. Miss U!

  3. Jessica Morton-Page says:

    Great tutorial. I went to look at your messy sewing room (LOL) and subscribed to your vids. It feels like I have been stalking you lately JK. I spent the last couple of days reading all your posts. You have to be the most positive person I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. God Bless

  4. Lisa,
    I love that your blogging again! Your tutorial is great, I can’t wait to make one. It seems so easy.
    I’m always looking for something new to embellish a ballroom costume, and I think this is something that will work.
    Thanks again,
    PS….love your New York accent.

  5. Shoot….I was going to ask if you could make a video just talking. LOL Love hearing it!

    Great tutorial. Another project to start…..

  6. Wow! That dress is beautiful! You are really amazing!

  7. Lisa
    Great tutorial, love that rose and love that dress!!! but then, I am not surprised!!!! Love everything that you do!!!

  8. OMGOSH I have been trying to figure out HOW to make flowers for my clips and something to add to my CHristmas dresses….

    I just made one of these using your little instructions they are SUPER easy to make!

    I actually used white satin and twisted a piece of eye lash yard with it it is SUPER cute that way

    Thanks so much for help!

  9. I have been looking for ages for a tutorial on this exact thing. Thank you SO much!

  10. Wonderful tutorial! Thank you! These gorgeous roses look like they’ll be a lot of fun to make. I can’t wait to try one. Again thank you for sharing this with us!

    Cathy ♥

  11. Hi…I just want to say how much I ADORE the christening gown you made and as soon as I saw it, the roses and the fabric of the ‘skirts’ are what grabbed my eye…Thanks so much and I just want you to know how much I love ‘visiting’ you.

    Western Australia

  12. Aw. Why Not?:) I have a daughter almost same age as yours (mine is 17) and I’ve been following your blog for a while (even though I’m NOT an expert seamstress like you). Anyway, I just like it and root for you and think your daughter is as precious as my own and as all daughters are. BTW, we both loved the butterfly jacket (sorry, its late, can’t go back to the post to ref.)


    PS: Sorry for mistakes, I’m dyslexic when I type:)


  13. Love this tutorial! I have always failed at making fabric roses. Definitely going to give this one a try. Thank you. Your dress is stunning!

  14. I LOVE your Spider Web Rose!
    When I saw them on the Christening Gown, I fell in love with the dress and the roses. YOU and that gown are my INSPIRATION! A dear friend asked me to make a Christening Gown for her Great Granddaughter, to be born any day, and when I saw the fairytale gown you made, I was inspired! I have never made one, this is one of the few firsts left that I want to sew during my life! The gown I designed is now going to have a few little SpiderWebRoses!
    Thank you Lisa for sharing your wonderful talent and now the video….you make them look EASY PEASY to make!

    London, Ontario, Canada

  15. I love anything with roses and these are so beautiful. Thanks for the tutorial!!

  16. These are gorgeous..So perfect for the Christening Dress…My mind is already thinking of other uses..Thank you, Skye

  17. These are so cute and easy. I’m gonna give ’em a try with tulle. Thanks for the tut . EIleene

  18. I would love to learn to make these roses. They are beautiful! Thanks for posting the tutorial! mflaherty (at) sc (dot) rr (dot) com

  19. These are beautiful! The dress is amazing as well! Thanks for the opportunity!

  20. When I forst saw the roses.(loved the dress) I was pictureing them on head bands,tote bags,sneaker tops, was hoping to get the instructions,
    Hoping to win

  21. Thank you for all your kind words!

    Glad the tutorial will be useful! Can’t wait to see everyone’s creations!

    With friendship,

  22. Lisa,
    This is great! I’m definitely saving your tutorial to my favorite places for future reference. I’m sure I’ll be referring back to your site many times. Thanks a bunch.

  23. Great tutorial! Thank you!

  24. Beautiful work. I would love to win the supplies for this. Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

  25. Wonderful tutorial, very detailed. I love silk ribbon embroidery and you have inspired me to take it to a new dimension. Thanks for the opportunity to get the supplies to do that. I heard about your blog and the tutorial on StitchMap a Yahoo group for needleworkers.

  26. Great tutorial, Lisa. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Lisa,
    These are fantastic! My 5 year old watched the video with me and she wants to make some too–it seems like a simple enough project that I can let her in on the rose making action! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. As always, you’re an inspiration to us all!!

  28. They are cute.
    I like the way you have a process for everything you make.
    I have made fabric roses. But never thought of making it this way.
    If I win I think I will do the project with my 8 year old who would love the quality time spent together.

  29. Christi Higham says:

    These are so beautiful! This would be awesome to know how to do.

  30. Natalie Garcia says:

    I loved the Christening gown and have been waiting for the roses tutorial, they are lovely!!!! Now to see which of my daughters wants some! Probably all three…

    Thank you!


  31. Oooh, winning the supplies would make it so much easier to do this. I’d love to be entered. Hope it’s not too late.

  32. Still time to post a comment so you can be entered to win a Silk Spider Web Rose Kit!

    With friendship,

  33. Lisa! I’ve always wanted to do these. I think I’ve got some silk slithering around here somewhere. I’m off to see!

  34. Are you really Marthas sister and not telling us HEHE!


    True Random Number Generator

    Result: #19

    Erica is the winner of the Silk Spider Web Rose Kit. Please email me at with your full name and mailing address!


    With friendship,

  36. I have a question…if you spaced out C, D, and E would the rose still “work”; or do they need to be grouped together at the bottom of the circle?

    BTW, you make it look so easy. 🙂


  37. Beth…of course. Just keep in mind, you want an upside down 5 point star.


    With friendship,

  38. This is so gorgeous!
    Thank you!

  39. Oh my, that sure is a Pretty Rose!!! Thank You so much for making the Tutorial!

  40. I’ve just come across your tutorial and absolutely love the spider roses. I’m going to make a cushion with these on when I get time. Thank you!

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