Sew Urgent – Help Save My Daughter’s Life


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Things continue to be difficult.  But where there is life, there is hope. 

I’m forcing myself to blog so I can update all my dear friends and family about what is going on with my sweet Sunshine Girl, Marielle, as her kidneys fail.  It looks like we are on the way to the local emergency room again tonight–she’s in terrible pain and a bit lethargic.

After continued difficultly getting calls returned and kidney donor evaluation packages send to those who have come forward to donate their kidneys, we’ve given up on the Philadelphia hospital of ever finding a living kidney donor.  They’ve recently told us they will only test family members and the closest of friends.  They’ve taken it upon themselves to decide who our friends are.  Philadelphia has only tested 3 donors in 4 months.  To say I am furious is an understatement.


But there is hope.  We are in the process of transferring Marielle’s care to NY Presbyterian-Columbia University Hospital (NYP) in hopes their additional living-donor kidney programs will save her life.  Not only will NYP consider family members as donors, but are willing to evaluate EVERYONE (friends, associates and kind strangers) who wants to donate a kidney.  That’s right…EVERYONE regardless of blood type, antibody mismatch, age, etc.  They offer several kidney donor options for us:

Compatible Living Donor

Incompatible Donor Program

Paired Donor Exchange Program

Deceased Donor Program

Marielle will only match 1 in 50 people in the general population (average person matches 1 in 2). I  am asking EVERYONE who has ever loved a child as deeply as I do my daughter to please consider being a living-kidney donor to her. You might be the one who can save my daughter’s life.

If you would like to receive a donor consent form to see if you could be a potential donor, please print out this form:


Then send it to Joan Kelly either by email at or fax (212) 305-9642.  Be sure to put MARIELLE CARROCCIO as the Potential Recipient’s Name.

Please pass this information along to anyone and everyone.

I continue to be comforted by the tremendous amount of love and support from all of you.  Thank you seems to fall short.



  1. Dear Lisa, my thoughts and prayers are with you all in your time of need. I will pray that a new kidney will be found for Marielle soon. I will look into donating also. Hugs!!

  2. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but my heart goes out to you. Even though I am not in the same country as you, you are helping raise the awareness of the need for donors in all countries. I hope you will find the donor you need.

  3. Lisa-
    I sent my form request to your sister.

    Hang in there!!

  4. Prayers to you and strength for your daughter. God be with you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. NLJSEWON from Twitter

  5. Lisa, I hope this change is exactly what is needed to get Marielle healthy again. Y’all are in my thoughts constantly.

  6. My thoughts are with you and your family. I will pass this link to my Esat Coast family and friends. Can people out here in California be tested to see if they match?

  7. You are both in my prayers. I will definitely retweet and do what I can.

  8. Lisa Hun,
    I’m blogging this everywhere I can, and twittering too. All my love and prayers are with you. A donor is out there, we’ll find them!
    Love you,

  9. Friends…YOU ARE THE BEST! The outpouring of support is UNBELIEVABLE.

    NOTE: I’ve edited this post to have the actual PDF donor document available for download, so you just have to print it out and fax it directly to NYP.

    It doesn’t matter where you live in the US. A simple blood test is done in your town to determine if you are a match. All expenses for the donor testing, etc are paid by my insurance company.

    Thank you to everyone for retweeting and posting a link to this post all over the web. I couldn’t do it without each and every one of you. I am blessed.

    With friendship,

  10. Hi Lisa,

    Since I found your blog a few months ago, I’ve been visiting regularly and following your story. I really admire your strength. Marielle is so very lucky to have you as her mother. Since I’m so far away (Malaysia) all I can offer is a prayer for Marielle’s improved health. May the sunshiny days come real soon.

  11. ((((((hugs)))))) mama, may your prayers be answered soon.

  12. My thoughts and prayers are with you from the other side of the world. I hope you can find a donor really really soon.

  13. I check in often to hear how you are going
    I’m so glad to hear that you have transferred Marielle’s care
    and pray and hope you find someone soon! xx

  14. Lisa, I’m glad that you have made the change to another hospital. Hopefully, this hospital will be more concerned about your daughter’s health. There is a hospital in D.C. that also offers different options for kidney transplant patients. I believe it is George Washington hospital and they will do kidney transplants even if there is not a complete match, and I believe that they have been very successful with this. I only saw a brief news story on this recently so I don’t have a lot of details, but maybe this will give you another option as well.

  15. Hi Lisa,

    A friend of mine linked to this post, and although I’ve never been to your blog before, I wanted to tell your readers, from experience, that donating a kidney has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived — This is to have succeeded.” If you are healthy, it’s within your power to give the gift of life, literally. The surgery has a huge sucess rate, and the experience of helping another human being is unmatched. Two years later, with one remaining kidney, I am as healthy as a horse, with 100% kidney function. The recipient of my kidney is a changed man — he’s gone from near death to a full life again. Consider it!!!

    Lisa, your beautiful daughter is in my prayers.

  16. Lisa my paperwork has been sent . Once by fax and once by email . Please just confirm with me they got it .


  17. Lisa – I faxed it over. God’s peace to you and your beautiful daughter. Your statement ” I am asking EVERYONE who has ever loved a child as deeply as I do my daughter to please consider being a living-kidney donor to her. You might be the one who can save my daughter’s life.” moved me to tears.

  18. Dear Lisa-
    I want you to know that you and your family will be in my thoughts always. I hope they find a donor for your daughter soon. Don’t ever give up looking and never take no for an answer from the hospital. My mother received a liver transplant Thanksgiving Day last year. We know all too well how hard it is to wait for that call. Just believe that it will come. I am sorry that I am unable to be tested to be a possible donor. I only have one kidney or I would try. I was going to be my mother’s living donor before we received the call. Hang in there and know you will be in my thoughts.

    Keep your spirits high.


  19. My dear friend I have been wondering how things are going. I’m glad you are changing hospitals. If I was younger I would be right there getting my blood tested tmw. Give the Sunshine Girl a hug from Auntie Lynn. God bless. Lynn

  20. Nancy Heidlebaugh says:

    Lisa, I just sent in my donor form. I’m so glad that you changed hospitals for your daughter. Don’t ever give up the fight. I know that I would go to the ends of the earth for my daughters. My daughter was hurt in a terrible freak accident 5 years ago and it has been a long road to her recovery, so I know some of the pain you are going thru. I sure hope I can help. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful daughter.

  21. Lisa,

    I am happy to hear that you have changed hospitals…one that is more willing to work with you and obviously has compassion. I pray that a donor is found very soon, poor Marielle, hearing about her being in so much pain is just heartbreaking. I have faith that one will be found soon. We are all praying and admiring your strength in this difficult time. Shouting it from the rooftops for you!


  22. I am praying you find a match! I am ineligible to donate kidneys as a survivor of Kidney Disease myself- but I can send prayer! And I promise, I will send lots!

  23. Hi Lisa! I just blogged about Marielle & put a link to your blog with the info…

    Still praying of the both of you!!

    Sweet Sunshine Boutique

  24. So sorry to hear this, I hope they can find a donor soon! I passed this along to a friend of mine in NY so she can spread the word!

  25. I have linked your blog to my own in hopes that someone who reads will see your need and respond. My best to your family and Marielle. Keep your spirits high…robin

  26. Lisa, I also linked my blog to yours in the chance that someone, somewhere may see it and possibly be a match. The first song playing on my blog made me think of you and your Sunshine Girl. I am praying hard for her.

  27. I’ve been following your blog and praying for your daughter. I did call up to the hospital a few weeks ago and was told they were only testing family members. They told me they would send me a packet – but they never did. I don’t blame you for being so frustrated with them.

  28. I have kidney disease in my family and my daughters are lined up for my kidneys, once they get old enough, so I can’t donate to Marielle…but my prayer is that a match will step forward, and the hospital team will pick up their socks.

    I do have a question – I read a bit into your archives and saw you have refused dialysis so far, for ‘various reasons’…will you reconsider as her function worsens? It is, after all, a life saving procedure. My father-in-law is on CAPD waiting for his second transplant, and the dialysis has drastically improved his health while he is waiting for a kidney – not to mention keeping him alive. I know it’s far from ideal, but so is heart failure due to kidney insufficiency.

  29. Hi Lisa…

    Sending ****HUGE HUGS**** your way…. I have linked your story everywhere I can. I don’t have a blog, but put it on all my fun play sites. I pray Marielle gets that kidney ASAP!!! 🙂

    Heather =)

  30. Oh Lisa! I am so sorry this is happening to your sweet daughter and your family! I am praying that a donor comes quickly!!!!

    I would give her mine in a heart beat, unfortunatly, I too suffer from a kidney disese. Its not nearly this severe, but I dont think I would do her any good. But I am going to pass this information on to anyone I can!

    I will be praying for a donor, a smooth sergery and a swift return to her normal life!

  31. Oh Lisa…..I am so sorry that your sweet Marielle is going thru such pain! I want you to know that we will be praying night and day for her! God will take care of her. 🙂

  32. I just sent out a tweet.

    I will pray for you and your sweet beautiful daughter.

  33. Lisa, I just sent in the donor questionaire. Good luck.

  34. Lisa, my heart is breaking for Marielle and your family. I hope you can find a donor for her asap. I will pray for her.

    I would get tested if I could but I need to save the potential that I can be a donor for my nephew Maddox (2 yrs) and my niece Livia (4 yrs) who are suffering from ARPKD. I’m not sure if you remember about them from the VWboard. Maddox is further along with this disease and is not doing well.


  35. (((Lisa)))
    I’m working on getting this posted on Jophies blog/caringbridge page/facebook/cr8buzz/myspace and anywhere else I can post it……

    There is this lady on a special needs board im on who just donated a kidney to a total stranger. Shes sporadic about coming in the room as its been recently that she donated and shes still recovering. If I remember correctly, she is part of a group of people who are actively seeking to donate to those in need. I’m working on contacting her to have her post it on her board as well girlie.

    Hang in there and give Marielle a big hug from Jophie and I..
    I love you girlie..
    Trina and Jophie

  36. Annmarie Holmes-Rosa says:

    My heart goes out to you and your family…. I have listed you on my myspace page, I know there is a donor out there for Marielle.

    God Bless,
    Annmarie Holmes

  37. My prayers and love are coming your way……….Linda

  38. Lisa,
    I can’t imagine the pain your family must be feeling right now. I am filling out the paperwork as we speak and I hope that if I’m not a match that you find someone soon who is. (((( hugs and prayers )))

  39. Hi Lisa!
    I have posted this link on my blog, my website and my ebay me page.
    I hope it helps to generate a lot more awareness of your daughters need.

  40. I am sorry about your little girl.My niece Fern had a piece on her blog about your donor search. I live in GA and would be willing to donate. I am A+ if thats any help

  41. I was test a few years back for a family member, and we were told that they would only contact us if we were a match- I guess we were not since we were never contacted. I assume they keep our info on file and add us to a registry- I’ll have to see if I can dig up the paperwork. I would of course submit my info again if there is any potential

  42. Hey – I don’t know you at all but it doesn’t matter. If there’s something I can do to help? I’m in. I’m filling out and faxing the form today. Hope I can help!

  43. I twittered this post…much luck to you all.

  44. I linked to your blog and pray that a donor is found soon and that all goes well. Although I can’t donate (only one fully functioning kidney so the whole situation is often in the back of my mind), I’m praying one if found and soon.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  45. Question: What blood type is needed? I have the universal blood type O- so I can donate blood to anyone. I wonder if that would apply to donating organs as well. Please let me know as I am willing to be tested for a match.

    I have three kids myself (BTW, I’m 25 and in great health) so it breaks my heart to hear about this.

  46. I just found out this from

    Donors with blood type O… can donate to recipients with blood types A, B, AB and O (O is the universal donor: donors with O blood are compatible with any other blood type)

    So it looks like I would be compatible to donate. I will get my form in RIGHT AWAY.

  47. Praying that everything works out. Just wanted to say that they saved my mother’s life at Columbia-Presbyterian. It is a great hospital.

  48. I sent the form in just now, and I hope to hear back from them soon. I’m praying that all works out.

  49. Your daughter and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I have three daughters of my own and can only imagine your pain and the incredible worrying you are going through, and how you wish you could take her place. I’m signed up as an organ donor and have spoken to my children about how they feel if anything were to ever happen to them (God forbid). I have no idea if I would match your daugther. My middle child has kidney problems of her own. My blood type is 0+ and that is about all I know (other than that I don’t drink much at all, though I take anti-epilepsy medications). Please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to write about your story — I was a health reporter and wrote often about this type of story, and will do anything I can to help you.

    I hope your daughter enjoys the Kindle. I love mine.

    God bless you all.

  50. My name is Ashley. I’m 23, and I live in North Carolina. I am a single mother of a 3 year old boy, and I know if I were going through something even remote similar, I would be devestated. I am faily healthy, and I’ve never had any health problems.. I don’t really know what to do to become a live donor, but I do know that if I can, I’d be more than happy to donate.. Can you tell me why they are having such a difficult time fining a match?… I’m going to leave my email address, and I hope to hear from you soon. If I can help, I will without a second thought.. my email is

  51. I am posting on my blog tomorrow and checking to see if I can be donor. My heart goes out to you and your family. Thinking of you all.

  52. Hi Joan.

    Shaun of Contacted me.

    I run a site devoted to Continuing Education Units for Health Care Workers.

    That site is

    Last year we had over 540,000 users from all over the United States. This year we are on track for a similar number.

    We have decided to feature your daughter on our site’s front page in hope that our users in the NYC area can help or offer assistance somehow.

    I certainly hope all the best for you and your daughter and honestly wish I could do more.

    Know that you and Marielle will be in my wife’s and my thoughts and prayers.

    Wishing you peace.


  53. I foundyou thru twitter, filling otu the paper work right now, hubby will fax it over tomorrow.

    Much love to you all


  54. Your story about your daughter touched my heart. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
    I’m sorry I tried to find a way to email you – We would like to send your daughter, Marielle a gift of chicbuds earphones so she can relax and listen to her music. just a little thought that might brighten her time while having to be in the hospital.

    In our thoughts… Kailynn & Nikki

  55. This story has been over Twitter. One of my followers gave me this info that might help.

    “Contact andriana at lifegift in houston: maybe able to help lisa with donation. email:”

    _ Cal

  56. I have sent in my form and have posted this on 37days – I hope it helps… – patti

  57. I am spreading the word the only way I know how.

  58. Sending prayers out to you and your child. My father also had renal failure and was on dialysis. He finally did get a match on that darn list, so I have faith your little girl will also. Praying she get’s one soon.

    Don’t know all the details but I know those donor lists are downright scary, confusing, etc.! We didn’t think my father would ever get one, but he did. Crossing fingers, toes, sending prayers she gets one.

    BTW, is there a timecrunch? I was always under the impression that dialysis would maintain one’s life (if suffering from kidney failure). She is on dialysis, no? Or, is the treatment (dialysis) not working for her?
    In any case, praying for your little girl! I know nothing is worse seeing someone have to go through all the dialysis and waiting, and waiting for a donor!
    Can’t even imagine what these little ones have to endure.

  59. My prayers and postive thinking. Almost no contact outsite Argentina. Blessings

  60. Yes. I will give my kidney. I have an older kidney–does that matter? Let me know where I get tested.

  61. I’m not in good health myself so can’t help in that form but I have posted this on Twitter and I’m prayer for your daughter and family. I have seen this posted on Twitter three times this morning, hopefully soon someone will see it and God will put this on there heart and your beautiful daughter will be given a kidney!

  62. My heart really goes out to you! I’d donate a kidney in a heartbeat, but as a diabetic, they’d refuse such a transplant even if it were a perfect match 😦

    I will however put the word out on my blog and the mailing lists in which I participate. Can you tell me your daughter’s blood type?

  63. I’m praying (and tweeting) for a healthy kidney for your daughter. Thanks to the kindness of a donor (deceased) and his family, my mother is with me today. She was on dialysis for almost 5 years waiting for a donor. It was coming close to the end when thankfully a match came her way.

    I know the wait is terrible – with all the sharing and communicating I pray a living donor comes your way soon.

  64. Lisa, is there a mailing address to send the form?

  65. Please contact me: I want to help.

  66. My thoughts and prayers are with you Lisa. Will spread the word.

  67. Our prayers are with you and your child.. I just tweeted the information out found out via RT from @chrisbrogan.

  68. I happened upon this blog post thanks to a link from Chris Brogan in twitter. My son was recently born with one kidney and diagnosed with complications in the other. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  69. For those of us who already know our bloodtype, etc., can you provide additional info as to what her match needs are?

  70. I will help you spread the word. And I will keep you and Marielle in my prayers.

  71. our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time!
    i reposted marielle’s story on my blog today.
    God bless you all!

  72. Due to having had Lyme’s that went past the spinal barrier and so still lurks I am not donor material for blood or anything.

    However, there are # things that you immediately need to add to this post.

    First, a way for it to easily be passed around the web using social media, email, etc. There should be a free widget that you can apply to the page or sidebar available through your blogging software.

    Second, a several pleas near that social media tell a friend widget, that requests reviewers tell their Facebook, MySpace, social media and e mail friends, Stumble, Digg, Delicious, etc. the article/blog. This will get you more eyeballs reading the blog and thus your message reaches possible donors.

    Finally do post more information, especially blood type needed. No one wants to take time to be rejected over something as simple as blood type.

    Praying for you and your daughter,

    Judy Rey Wasserman

  73. Best wishes! I hope all goes well and I am sorry to hear about this tragedy. I hope you can find someone out there that can help you. I will be praying for you during this time.

  74. I’m a bit old to donate my kidney, but I do pray someone can come through who can. I have a son in harm’s way, too — in Iraq — so I do understand your fears. All the best.

  75. All love blessings and support.

  76. We found a donor on twitter.

    We found a miracle woman, will they contact her back????

  77. Would someone have to travel to that specific hospital to be tested, or is there any way to test from a remote location?

  78. I have a kidney disease too and will need a transplant soon. My prayers for you and your family during your time of need. Keep faith!

  79. Also please post the blood type.

  80. I sent out this message in every form I could. My thoughts and prayers go to your family.

  81. Hi Lisa, I’ve retweeted – hope you have good news very soon. All my best to your family and your darling daughter.

  82. I couldn’t get the form to print (out of ink?) but I sent the answers to the questions to the email address provided. I guess the next step is a blood test locally?

  83. I have reposted this on my blog, and am spreading the word. I will also look into the requirements for donating. Stay Strong.

  84. Praying for your beautiful daughter.

  85. Lisa — I came here through a twitter by @newmediajim. I’m young and healthy and more than happy to donate a kidney. Also, if we have to be geographically close, I live in New York City so going to NYP for testing would be very easy for me.

    A few years back, I tried to donate a kidney to my cousin, but wasn’t a match, so I’m sort of familiar with the process.

    I’ll keep you in my hopes and prayers. Again, I live in New York City so even if I’m not a match, I can do things like donate my time or money or anything you might need.

  86. My best wishes to your daughter and your family. I will help spread the word immediately.

  87. Form emailed in and faxed!

  88. I’m faxing over my form now.

  89. I’m praying for a miracle for your daughter and helping to spread the word.

  90. Hi,
    Due to a physical issue, I cannot donate a Kidney, but my prayers are with you guys!
    Joel Libava

  91. Can anyone share any links or insight on the requirements for donating a kidney?

    How will it change one’s life to live with only one, for instance?

    My extent of knowledge is from watching medical shows like House and Grey’s Anatomy.

    However, it seems a small price to pay to save the life of someone who might accomplish great things.

  92. Lisa,

    I cannot imagine what you are going through. You and your daughter and family will be in my thoughts and prayers! I hope that you find a matching donor very soon. I will pass on this very urgent message. Hang in there as best you can and keep your faith!


  93. You, your daughter and whole family are in my prayers. @salonmaire will RT and announce this on my BTR show tomorrow AM. Listeners mostly new breastfeeding moms who will spread the word. I will also put links in my blog for the show.

    Wondering if you have blood type information anywhere. I looked, but haven’t been able to find it.

  94. You don’t know me but I am praying for you and your family. I wish I could help but I can’t even donate blood due to my own health. I hope that as everyone comes together to pray for you that you get your miracle. She is a strong and beautiful girl. You must be so proud of how brave she is.

  95. I re-tweeted this to my 185 Twitter followers. I hope you can get a match. I will continue to help spread the word.

  96. I’ve sent my form. Don’t know anything about the process but I hope it helps. Also, I’ve edited the form so that you can fill it out within Adobe Acrobat but I can’t seem to find your email anywhere to send you a new version. I sent the updated version along with my filled out version to the nurse.

  97. i just wanted to say my prayers are with you..and i have posted the link on my yearbook i hope this spreads the word to people who may not get to hear about it

  98. musebookreviews says:

    I’m posting on my blogs and twittering in the hopes someone is found. Deepest thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

  99. My love, support and prayers with you in this difficult.

    God bless you and your family.

  100. I also retweeted it to a couple hundred people – hope you have quick success! As a living donor (10 years this year – for my father), I can tell your readers what an incredible gift it is to be able to do this for someone else. FYI, we were at University of Colorado Medical Center – another great place I would recommend if you find you need another hospital to consider.

  101. Dear Lisa:
    The most wonderful thoughts and prayers for Marielle.
    Best wishes, as always,

    Federico (aka euskir)

  102. Lisa, You are in my prayers, what a beautiful daughter you have, I will pass this link along all day and do whatever I can to help. You will find a kidney, I just know it. If there is anything else I can do, just ask! I will share this with my prayer group as well

  103. Sending prayers to your family. I’ve shared your story on Twitter, Facebook, and my email contacts. Here’s a post I wrote about my experience with pediatric bone marrow transplant patients. My heart goes out to you.

  104. Crap, wrong post I linked to! So sorry for my callousness (however, the drink recipe I just posted is called Absolut Stress).

    Here’s the correct post. My apologies.

  105. Our hearts and prayers go out to you for this! Please know that we will spread the word as best we can!! xoxo Toni Lyn

  106. Lisa: A friend just forwarded this Web site on to me because I just donated a kidney to my brother June 13, 2008. I wish I had more kidneys because I’d be honored to help you. If you need a person who’s been through the experience (a living donor) to answer questions or provide a positive, calming voice, I would be glad to speak with anyone. I will be visiting family this week for the holiday, but will respond after Sunday if you contact me. In a private e-mail, I would be glad to give you my phone number. I wish you much luck and positive thoughts; I truly relate to your situation. Fondly, Wendy Best (Atlanta, Georgia)

  107. NYP is an absolutely wonderful hospital network – my own children were delivered at the other hospital, Cornell. Am tweeting and emailing your request and wishing you all the very very best. Your daughter is beautiful, by the way.

  108. Hello, You do not know me either. I found out about your situation through an online medium. There is hope someone will be found and your daughter can have the life she deserves. You are a wonderful mother and I pray for you and your daughter. God speed!

    Be blessed,

  109. I’ll repost this for you. I donated to my Dad 7 years ago. He is involved up here in Canada to keep pushing the hospitals on their archiac rules. May this all work out for you and your family – and also educate a lot of people and organizations in the process. This sort of thing should not go on in this day and age. May a speedy resolution come. Sending my support.

  110. just had a friend send out this message about your daughter to Second Life folks who are generous, kind, caring and number in the millions. Hope this helps.

  111. Hi

    I live in Australia. I’m 57 years old and have 2 teenage children. How do I get tested to see if I am compatible with your daughter? Will gladly help

  112. I retweeted this, and I hope you find a donor. My thoughts are with you. I am so sorry this happened!

  113. I’m also emailing the form right now and twittering, emailing and everything possible to help your family–prayers and good thoughts go out to you–

  114. Dear Lisa and Marielle,

    Chris Brogan tweeted your plight. My thoughts and prayers to you both. I hope the following article helps as it is from my blog, and it was picked up and published on

    Get well thoughts to you!


  115. Threw you a link, borrowed the photo, said several prayers, will keep you in our hearts.

  116. The message for the kidney donor for domestic divas daughter is now in Second Life/Elven ‘Elan stores as a poster that is free for all to take. Please let anyone you know who is active in Second Life know about this to spread the word. First responses in Second Life to the poster asked if going to India had been considered as it is a highly reliable place for kidney transplants and US medical policies often cover costs. Just another idea to save your daughter’s life.

  117. You and Marielle are in my thoughts and prayers.

  118. Wow, what an amazing, touching request. Our most sincere prayers are with you and your family, and I’m passing this along to everyone I know in hopes of helping you all find quick resolution. God Bless!

  119. Hi Lisa.

    This post has been going around Twitter and I know that folks are trying to help. You might also want to contact the Daily Koz and open an account with them. You can then create a diary and post the message there. they get A LOT of traffic.

    My heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine anything more difficult than what you are going through. Bless you and your daughter.


  120. My heart goes out to you and your family. Here in our home we just last year after 9 years of dialysis received the kidney we’ve been waiting for. I know the wait is long and painful. I am so so sorry. My prayers that you will receive the precious gift of life soon…very soon.

    Hula Doula

  121. dear Mrs. Lisa……
    i was saw your blog about your daughters…..
    Your family and Marielle are in my thoughts and prayers.
    by this post i just wanna say i want to help you to donate my kidney for your daughter, but i’m indonesian and i’m stay at indonesia now.

    if you have an idea to take me to your house, i will donate my kidney for free………

    but, if i must pay the cost to your house, i’m sorry i can’t.

    i’m sorry my english not very well. i hope you can feel what i mean……

    God bless you…..

  122. Lisa,

    My heart goes out to you! My 2-year-old son, Christopher, had a liver transplant last year and I know what you’re going through. Hang in there! God works in mysterious ways and He will see you through it.

    We worked with COTA, Children’s Organ Transplant Association… They have great resources and maybe can help you spread awareness to find a donor. I know the medical expenses are astronomical too so they help with this as well.

    Email if you have any questions. Please know that your daughter and your family are in our prayers.

    Sincerely, Jenille

  123. I’m far away from you and your family. Indonesia.
    Is there international service for such condition?
    If there is, please state here.
    All i can do just pray “GOD…please help her soon, we beg YOU so much”.

  124. Dear Friend,

    There is one person through whom we can save your daughter’s life. Lord Jesus Christ.

    Your daughter will be healed by Lord Jesus Christ. That is my experience. Just that we need to humble ourselves and pray to him from our heart. Jesus Christ is the only Living God who can answer to our prayers. Any prayer to Lord Jesus Christ will be answered if the intention is good.

    You don’t need to go to a church to pray to Jesus. You can pray to him from anywhere, anytime.

    I pray now, that Lord Jesus Christ may heal your daughter from what she is suffering. Father, you are the best doctor whom we can ever get. You have your own ways of working out things. However you want to do it, help us we may not interfere in it. But hear our prayer O Lord – heal this child who is suffering from kidney failure.

    I rebuke satan in the name of Lord Jesus Christ to leave this child and flee from her right now. Thou may perform a miracle that those who are witness to this miracle may also believe in you and seek shelter under thy wings. We pray that if there is anything that is blocking or delaying thy healing power to reach this child, we in the Name of Lord Jesus cancel those blocks. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    God will bless your child my friend. You don’t need any other doctor other than Jesus the Savior.

    Trust that your prayer is heard and answered by Jesus. Your child is safe in his hands.

    God Bless You

  125. Your request was shared with me on twitter via @cutiebootycakes. I had to retweet and post on my blog. I pray your prayers are answered! Your daughter is precious!

    Hugs xoxox

  126. Post blood type please.

  127. Hi I have A- I think, it is eather – or + and give blood at the mass general hospital so they would know my blood type but think it is – ,

    anyway I do not know allot about this but want to help and I am 50 years old and take care of sons grandmother so for me to donate one of my kidny’s is possible, I been wanting to do more to save a childs life, I am dissabled and a widower in good health, I looked into being a living donor but did not get far so I know this is a big decision to make but if I can save a childs life it would make me feel so good and that my life has helped another to live.

    I do not have a printer so can not print out the form but contact me for further info at my email address.

    I hope she get to live and do great things in her life, I believe a child who gets a second chance at life will live there life to the fullest and hopefully change the world for the better.


  128. please post this on myspace and facebook to get the word out. i have se.nt your link to everyone i know after seing this on FOX news this a.m. I hope that myself or someone will be a match and quick. God Bless U! I am the mother of only one child and she is now 17 years old. I can not imagine your fear and anger. my url is 1speedychick and i will do everything i can to pass this on…if anyone can tell me how to add it to myspace and my daughters let me know at

  129. I found you through Ravelry (crafters unite!) and just emailed my form. Best of luck to your whole family.

  130. I have no idea how you must be feeling. The only thing I can say is that I too am a mother so I think I can try to imagine, in some small way, how I would feel in your shoes. I have Teeted, posted to Facebook, Stumbled, and done everything I could do to try to get the word about this spread as far and wide as possible. I hope that it does some good.

    I imagine that there are many people, many parents reading this who feel like they might want to help. They may be scared, like I am. They may not know what being a kidney donor entails. They may not know where to begin. I know that some forms were posted that you could print out, and I hope people will do that. But, I have also taken the liberty of posting this link
    it answers some questions about living kidney donation. I searched for it myself when I realized that I would like to help, but was frightened and unsure. It is hard to admit that. So hopefully, it will help others to see it in print.

    My every prayer and thought is with you.

  131. I wish I could help, but I’m not strong enough. My thoughts and prayers are with you and hoping a safe recovery.

    ~ Brittany

  132. I wish you strength and an answer to your prayers.
    I took my dh to FOUR TRANSPLANT CENTERS before I found the right one where he got his new liver almost immediately. We relocated from NY to the south to get an organ. Don’t ever give up!! If NY doesn’t work out, consider taking her right away to Mayo in Florida or Shands in Gainesville where her chances would be better. Shands has housing on grounds for family. Best wishes!!! Look at the UNOS website for data on who does the most transplants.

  133. Wow, what a hard thing to have to go through! I live very far from you, but can I still get tested? Send me the information! And you are in my prayers!!!!


  134. Mukundh Vasudevan says:

    I can’t fully understand the pain you are going through, but my are with you. I’m sure you will be all well again.

  135. Mukundh Vasudevan says:

    I can’t fully understand the pain you are going through, but my prayers are with you. I’m sure you will be all well again.

  136. Even though I dont know you, I will pray for ur daughter.:)
    God Be with You!!
    Is it ok if I put a link to this post in my blog?

  137. this keeps pulling at me. I have the donor form filled out but need to hook up my fax and that’s not fun. i will though. is there an easier way to get this form in???? this post is popping up everywhere i go. a message???

  138. I am so sad to hear of your pain. Your daughter is beautiful. I hope that one of the responses turns out to be a matching donation.

    Your family is in my thoughts. Sending positive energy to the United States.

  139. Hello, Im from to Costa Rica, I have problems with the English, but in spite of the distances and the limitations you can count on my orations for your daughter and your family. God make the miracle. You can believe it. God bless you!!

  140. My Prayers to you and your family

  141. If I weren’t pregnant, I would be filling that out right now! I will definitely be passing on the news, and be praying for your daughter!!!

  142. My heart truly goes out to you and your family. My late mother in law lost her kidneys, under went a cadaver transplant and due to financial difficulties at the time she self rationed her meds and lost her transplant. The hospital staff basicly black listed her at that point; diaylisis 3 times a week. This was before my husband and I married, when we realized that my blood type and hers was a match I begged Little Rock Baptist to be tested. We were told the same sad story about only blood relatives….. we lost my dear mother in law and I always wonder what if we had at least tried!

  143. I will keep you and your daughter in my thoughts! I donated a kidney to my mother last year, and anyone who has questions or fears about the donation process is welcome to contact me. Donating a kidney has only changed my life for the better, and becoming a living donor is an experience I recommend, even if you aren’t a blood relative. Blessings to your family, Lisa.

  144. I can’t right now, because I’m pregnant, but my wishes and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope you find a match very soon for your gorgeous girl!

  145. I feel for u,alternatively try some of the best hospital in Nigeria,God will be with u.
    Contact your country Embassy here in Nigeria for help

  146. I understand what it is like to have a critically ill child. I was going through something similar two years ago with my own daughter.

    A mother has the right to receive special inspiration on behalf of her child. You have a bond with her unlike anyone else can. I see that you are working very hard and not taking no for an answer. You were very wise to turn to your blog to get the word out. Keep following the messages of inspiration and intuition which you feel. Act on the ideas which come to your mind. I believe that is God’s spirit working through you for your child. I experienced this, and many miracles took place because I did not give up, and I kept moving forward so that God could direct my feet. Keep looking at all your options. Also, every hospital has case managers. You need to insist that you be assigned a personal case manager that will coordinate for you and be an advocate. Some hospitals call them “case advocates” or “family advocates”. Each hospital is required by law to provide someone to you who will be a go-between, and facilitate full communication is taking place between you and the doctors. This person will then get to know you and your daughter’s needs and can refer you to the right services within the hospital, and also help with insurance issues.

    Remember to take good care of yourself. This is so hard when you are continually caring for and worrying about your daughter. However, you need to keep in mind what they teach us on the airplane. When the emergency air drops, the rule is that the adult places the mask on themselves FIRST, and THEN they can assist the child. This is the case right now. Marielle needs you to be strong and healthy physically and emotionally. Thus, eating regularly, taking walks, remembering to keep hydrated, spend some quiet time meditating or praying, finding time to rejuvenate yourself. I suggest that you write down everything that happends in a journal. Date and time all conversations with doctors, nurses, insurance providers, etc. Document the entire process. Write down what you are told as sometimes you cannot remember clearly. This really helped me. It became critical later on when I had to deal with my insurance, and when I had to lodge a formal complaint against a clinic. All of my detailed notes made my case very strong.

    Sorry this was such a long comment. My heart goes out to you. Your family is on my prayer list. Miracles are real, and they happen daily. Don’t give up. Love, MoSop

  147. I don’t think my last post came through.
    Your family is on my prayer list. I know that the Lord is guiding your path, and you are receiving a Mother’s inspiration as for which way to go. Don’t give up. Keep insisting on getting her the best care possible. Find doctors that you trust, and request a case worker – sometimes they are called “coordinators” or “advocates” at the hospital. Very important! I went through something similar with my daughter 2 years ago. Write everything down that happens, and date and time all conversations, meetings, appointments, treatments, etc. This will help. If this is a duplicate, you can delete and keep the first.
    Sending Hugs, Prayers and Hope – Love, MoSop

  148. Hi I found your blog through Ashley’s Closet. I am filling out the donor information and will fax it out ASAP

  149. My prayers are with you that a suitable donor is found very soon.

  150. I am sending good energy and prayers to you. I wish I was able to help. Be strong. Gain strength from everyone’s energy being sent to you.

  151. If I wasn’t pregnant, I would sign up in a heartbeat. I hope you’ll find a match real soon! Good luck..

  152. Hi, I totally understand what you are going through now but what you need the most is ‘patience’ and what your daughter would need is ‘willpower’ to fight back.

    You must be wondering how easy is it for me to say. But the fact remains that 10 yrs back (now am 26 yrs old), I had undergone a kidney transplant surgery not in any develped nation but in Chennai, India.

    At the age of 12, I had developed a breathing disorder when I eventually though that this is it and I would die, my parents were informed that both my kidneys were dysfunctional and had shrunk completely.

    I am the only daughter for my parents, no siblings, mom’s diabetic and dad’s hypertensive. The doctors nodded a No No for me. Numerous cadavers passed my way and finally one donor, like an angel came by me. I was on peritoneal (not haemo) dialysis for 5 yrs. My mom used to do it everyday. She was also so concerned just like you.

    Even after the surgery I underwent major problems like my kidney did not begin functioning properly and the doctors feared rejection of the organ and I was put on dialysis for another 3 weeks. Actually it was just taking some time. I even underwent some minor surgeries like the installation of a window below my kidney as I was not able to urinate properly.
    I have to now be on steroids for life. Initially I had troubles with hair growing on my face, gums growing tremondously, nervousness, sweating, shaking hands, nausea and feeling dizzy all the time. I even had massive fibroids in my breasts for which I had to go through another surgery.

    But things have changed. Touchwood! Now my medicines have changed. I look and feel different. None of my initial symptoms linger any longer. I work as a professional Instructional Designer developing E-Learning courses for corporates and educational institutions. And I am married happily. I just have routine check-ups every 3 months. Nothing more. No heavy dosage medicines either.

    Ask your daughter to be patient with the pain that she might have to go through. And as a friend, be with her giving her hope all the while. Pray! It helps. Even my and my family’s prayers will be there with you all. I know what and how she feels and I just want her to know, all this will pass soon.

  153. Wow, Simi – what a great post.

  154. I would like to donate my kidney to save a life, I’m a healthy 36 yr old female, disease and drug free from the United States contact

  155. Lisa, I have read your blog for almost year now, but today I was in tears. First of all, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. I wish my kidneys were healthy, however I have a bad heart, and I have been taking medication for quite some time. Second of all, the outpour of love and affection for you and your daughter is just beautiful. I am so happy that the internet brings us together in a time of need. It is such a wonderful thing to know that there are so many nice and generous people out there. I know you will find a donor. I too will pass your message along to everyone I know and put your story on my blog in the hopes that I reach a few people.
    Many hugs,

  156. Hon I so feel for you and your family. I want to fill out those forms and will get at that right away.

    I also want to writeup this story on my two blogs cat’s crafty corner and and would love your permission to get the word out on this and spread it as far and wide as I can.

    Please let me know as soon as you can, as I am sure you are very busy with your wonderful daughter. However, I would like to get this word out as fast as I can.

    Thanks!!!! and lots of Love and Hugs!!!!!

  157. this post has touched me. your daughter is beautiful. i will keep her and you in my thoughts and prayers.

  158. We were at Presbyterian for a paired match for my husband, a few years ago; after many months we learned that I am not an acceptable donor. My husband has since received a kidney, Thank God. I know what you are living through, and send prayers.

    In the long process of speaking to nurses at programs around the country, we learned a few things, one of which refers to the choices you mention that NYP offers you.

    I am writing warn you of the extreme dangers to your daughter of an “incompatible match.” They are terribly risky, but sometimes the nurses and doctors will brush it off. In an incompatible ‘match’ they must make your daughter able to accept an incompatible kidney. To do so, they remove all her blood and cleanse it of antibodies so that she will not fight the incompatible kidney. While it can work, it is hard on the recipient. Yet, if it is the only option, it is worth it. But is sounds as if you may have better options.
    All the best to you.

  159. I dont know if sixteen year olds can give their kidney but I figured I would ask I thought maybe our ages being so close could be helpful.

  160. laying your life down for another to live is the greatest show of
    love,my brother had to go down malaysia just to look for a
    donor with my match but failed,a friend of mine sent me a
    mail address which i contacted and i was able to find a donor
    with my match, these donors deserve all the respect in this
    world…i found mine at (


  1. […] had a liver transplant as an infant so she is even more hard to match with some one. Please go here for more information. Please, Please repost, retweet ~ post everywhere this poor girl really needs […]

  2. […] you are in the states please read Lisa’s post and think about taking the steps to get tested and see if you’re one of the few people that […]

  3. […] to see if you are a possible match for a living kidney donor, you can find more information on my previous blog post.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all the outpouring of support and […]

  4. […] Please help save this child’s life! […]

  5. […] Sew Hoping for a Miracle: The Domestic Diva’s daughter is in need of a live kidney donor. They have transferred her care to NY Presbyterian-Columbia University Hospital (NYP) in hopes their additional living-donor kidney programs will save her life.  Not only will NYP consider family members as donors, but are willing to evaluate EVERYONE (friends, associates and kind strangers) who wants to donate a kidney. […]

  6. […] someone you know might consider being tested to see if you are a match, please read her post “Sew Urgent – Help Save My Daughter’s Life” for more information and to download the form that potential donors need to fill […]

  7. […] 21 11 2008 I strongly encourage everyone to visit Domestic Diva’s blog.  If you have ever considered donating a kidney, or any other organ, if you have ever been curious […]

  8. […] Twitter user and blogger @domestic_diva has blogged about her daughter Marielle, who is in desperate need of a kidney transplant. You can see details of how to help and find out if you could be a donor, ‘Sew urgent – help save my daughter’s life‘. […]

  9. […] daughter Marielle desperately needs your […]

  10. […] to help make a holiday miracle! Please pass this on to anyone and everyone you know and help get this beautiful girl a […]

  11. […] to help make a holiday miracle! Please pass this on to anyone and everyone you know and help get this beautiful girl a kidney! […]

  12. […] on the domestic diva’s blog: Things continue to be difficult. But where there is life, there is […]

  13. […] in a hospital bed getting dialysis, which is, and thi’; This morning I saw a re-tweet from Jason this article talking about Marielle Carroccio and her battle with kindey failure. You can’t help but feel […]

  14. […] visit our blogger friend’s site. The Domestic Diva. Her daughter is in need of a kidney transplant. YOU just may be able to save this child’s […]

  15. […] read this plea from a parent trying to save her daughter’s life. Marielle will only match 1 in 50 people in […]

  16. […] Sew Urgent – Help Save My Daughter’s Life […]

  17. […] help spread the word. If you do not blog you can still help. Send this link to your email list, post it on your Facebook or other social network page. If you do blog, consider […]

  18. […] you are interested in being a kidney donor here’s the information, Marielle is currently at New York Presbyterian (again, go to the Domestic Diva for more info) and […]

  19. […] post info By Mukundh Vasudevan Categories: Uncategorized Tags: dialysis, help, kidney, life, NYC, random, save a life, transplant, writing […]

  20. […] Help Save My Daughter’s Life Please register and give the gift of life if you can. Please. I'll be praying for Domestic Diva's family, this is no way to enter the holiday season. (tags: kidney, blog, donor, kidney save lives, a life) SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “links for 2008-11-25”, url: “” }); […]

  21. […] WordPress page and trying to decide on what kind of post I should christen this blog with, I found a post by Lisa, the Domestic Diva. Her daughter is currently hospitalised and in desperate need of a […]

  22. […] Sew Urgent – Help Save My Daughter’s Life Things continue to be difficult.  But where there is life, there is hope.  I’m forcing myself to blog so I […] […]

  23. […] You can be tested to see if you would be a suitable kidney donor for a young girl. […]

  24. […] the internet this past week, I realize chances are good you’re probably already familiar with her story, but on the off chance you aren’t, I thought I’d […]

  25. […] seeking anyone who would be willing to share a kidney to contact her.  Please go to her website and read.  I was also amazed at how many people are trying to help her.  My thoughts and prayers […]

  26. […] be found for her 15 year old daughter, Lisa decided to use the web to reach out for help. In her blog post she explaines her situation and how people can donate. Just about 3 weeks later the right donor is […]

  27. […] November 12th, a Mom in New York named Lisa posted about her daughter’s need for a living kidney donor to help save her life. In her post, Lisa issued a plea to all her blog readers to fill out a donor […]

  28. […] first example was the use of Twitter to help identify a potential kidney donor for Marielle, a teenager with failing kidneys, in search of a living donor. Her mother posted a plea to her […]

  29. […] first example was the use of Twitter to help identify a potential kidney donor for Marielle, a teenager with failing kidneys, in search of a living donor. Her mother posted a plea to her […]

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